Everyone is kind, accepting, and encouraging, especially your team buddies. It help these kids know they aren't always different.
R. L. | Parent
Everyone deserves a
chance to play baseball!
University Hospitals Miracle Field
Miracle League Playground
For children and youths with physical and mental disabilities, playing baseball safely can be difficult to achieve. Baseball diamonds were not exactly designed for wheelchairs and crutches, so disabled athletes need a field, restrooms, dugouts, and other amenities, that remove the barriers to enjoying America's favorite pastime.
The natural grass fields used in conventional youth leagues are among those barriers. Miracle League teams play on custom designed, rubberized turf that accommodates wheelchairs and other assertive devices while helping to prevent injuries. And our buddy system pairs players with able-bodied peers to make the game accessible to special needs athletes. This special bond helps athletes make new friends, build self-esteem, and delight in the experience of being treated like any other kid.
There are currently over 270 Miracle League organizations across the US (including Puerto Rico), Canada, Mexico, and Australia serving 200,000+ children and young adults. We are proud to be among these organizations bringing hope, determination, and the fun of playing baseball to athletes in Northeast Ohio.
About Our Field
In 2016, Mark Rantala, Executive Director of the Lake County Port Authority, and Eastlake Mayor Dennis Morley approached the Lake County Captains about the creation of a Miracle League field. They had little more than a brilliant idea and Mark's sketch of the field dimensions on a simple sheet of yellow paper. Somehow they convinced everyone that “it will fit” and the Captains graciously donated 26 parking spaces that are now a special home for our special athletes.
After two years of hard work, pro bono design services by CT Consultants, and the very generous financial support of University Hospitals and our community partners, this beautiful ball field became a reality in July 2018. The Miracle League of Lake County's inaugural season was a rousing success, despite its late start pending completion of the facility.
The University Hospitals Miracle Field is a wonderful addition to the City of Eastlake and all of Lake County. We look forward to improving the athlete and fan experience in 2020 with facility improvements, new amenities, and several exciting special events. We are well on our way in making this the greatest acre in Lake County!