Everyone is kind, accepting, and encouraging, especially your team buddies. It help these kids know they aren't always different.
R. L. | Parent
Everyone deserves a
chance to play baseball!
University Hospitals Miracle Field
Miracle League Playground
At The Miracle League of Lake County, athletes of all abilities have a unique opportunity to blossom without judgment, just by playing baseball. Our games and events are fun, friendly, and supportive, and will help your athlete build confidence and self-esteem.
Our registration fee is $25 per family for the entire season. This nominal fee helps ensure we have proper equipment, uniforms, and amenities for everyone's enjoyment.
Registration is always open throughout the season! Games begin on 6/15/24. Visit our Schedule page to see detailed game and event information. You can always contact us if you have any questions about registering for the 2024 season.
Registration and payment can be completed online and on paper. Choose whichever method or combination is most convenient. If you are registering multiple athletes, please submit separate forms and fees for each athlete. Please note that athletes of all ages must be registered by their parent/guardian.
Online | Click the Register Online button in the top right corner of this page to complete and submit your Athlete Registration & Release Form. You will receive a confirmation email and a copy of your form for your records.
Paper | Click the Download Registration Form button in the top right corner to open and print the Athlete Registration & Release Form. Complete both sides and mail it to Eastlake City Hall at the address shown below. Be sure to note your payment method so we can match your payment to your athlete.
Online | In the top right corner of the page, select your registration option from the pull-down menu and then click the Buy Now button to pay using your credit card or PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to use this payment option. Your credit card statement or PayPal confirmation is your receipt.
By Check | Make your check in the amount of $25 payable to "The Miracle League of Lake County." Write your athlete's name and the season(s) you're registering for on the memo line. Your canceled check is your receipt. Mail your check (and completed registration form, if appropriate) to:
The Miracle League of Lake County
PO Box 1622
Mentor, OH 44061-1622
A Miracle League of Lake County volunteer will contact you to finalize the registration process and welcome you to the team. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Our 2024 Teams are FULL!
We're thrilled to welcome new and returning athletes to Miracle Field for the 2024 season! Although registration is officially closed, we're keeping a waiting list to fill any openings that may occur during the season. Click this button to send an email and be added to the list!